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Champeta’s giant!


Louis, apart from being tall and full of flavour, is known for being one of the first big names in champeta’s history. Towers –a.k.a. Papa Rasta– belongs to a generation that elevated champeta to higher notes and wider audiences. His hit song "El liso en Olaya" is regarded by many as Cartagena's true anthem. He speaks of pride and danger, of happiness and art, of Palenque, his hometown, where the roots of champeta are buried.

Louis Towers has performed in Belgium, France, Netherlands, Mexico, Venezuela, Aruba, Germany, the United States and many other places, and has fans all around the globe. Besides being an active and successful musician, he's a well recognized painter and has a degree in Fine Arts from the Escuela Superior de Bellas Artes de Cartagena de Indias. Even after recording his autobiography in song, he still has much to talk about. 


The legacy Louis Towers is leaving in colombian music is undoubted, and what is to come will make his mark even bigger.

Louis Towersl
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