A Champeta Star. One of the artists that has influenced colombian and urban music in the last decades. His prolific work –over 300 studio recordings– is listened in all of the country, and around the world.
Champeta Fever, the album he released in 2010, has become one of the most relevant pieces in colombian music. As time goes on more people vibe to it.
In 1985, when he turned 18, Carlos Reyes renamed himself. He decided to translate his name to english and present himself as Charles King, "El Palenquero Fino", meaning "Palenque's Finest". One of the pioneers of Champeta, he is responsible for taking this hot rythm out of the streets of Cartagena and bringing it to clubs, bars, restaurants, concerts and radio stations all around the country. "El Chocho", hit recorded in 2000, is well known by generations of colombians that can't get enough of it.
"Bicarbonato", "Gigoló", "Cuando Te Fuiste", "El Martillo", "El Abogado Corrupto", "La Cantimplora", "La Toalla", "La Vitamina" and "El Pum Pum", amongst many other compositions, are true hymns of the "champetudos" (champeta followers). More than the only urban genre that has come to life in Colombia, Champeta is a lifestyle. Today, this sound is part of electronica, urban and colombian repertoires, as well as caribbean. More and more followers, DJs and producers are vibing with it.
Charles King is a star!