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Camilo Colmenares is a musician and dramatic actor of undeniable stature. Influenced by the language of modern musical theatre, he created the genre Theatrical Pop, which combines gospel, pop and rock choirs, and expresses ideas and feelings related to the respect for sexual diversity and human rights.

In his theatrical career he has participated in Antígona, Boys Also Cry (2005), The Seven Lives of the Cat (2014), Blood and Yeast (2014), “El Bolero de Rubén” (2014), In Case of Death (2014) and “Los Oscuros de Morelia” (2017), among others .


He is also a teacher, in every sense of the word. He has taught at “Casa Ensamble”, the renowned Misi Corporation of Colombia, “La Maldita Vecindad”, the Javeriana University, and other institutions and universities.

As a virtuoso in the academic music scene, he has taken part of assemblies, groups and institutions such as “El Camarín del Carmen” Opera Foundation 2001-2009, Soloist and Chorus Singer of the Jaime Manzur Foundation 2000-2006 and Soloist at the Orfeo Opera in “The Inferno” at the Jorge Eliecer Gaitán Theater in November 2017.

He directs and stars in the musical performance “My Name Is Not Freddie Mercury”, which has toured festivals around the world with excellent recognitions such as the Winner of Arteusaquillo Professional Category 2018 and Winner of the Promotion Award for Performing and Musical Arts awarded by the “Gilberto Alzate Avendaño Foundation” (2017), among many others.


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